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                                                                     The holidays are filled with music.
                                                                    Whether listening while enjoying a
                                                                    meal with family, gathering around

                                                                      the fireplace or watching music-
                                                                    filled classic holiday films, everyone
                                                                    has memories associated with their

                                                                            favorite holiday songs.

                 This Is Your
                  Brain on

MUSIC DOESN’T JUST entertain us. Research shows that                “Music brings life and memories to all who hear. Regardless of
there are numerous benefits of playing an instrument and/or         cognitive abilities, music touches everyone’s soul.”
listening to music—particularly for older adults.
                                                                    THE BEAT GOES ON
   According to a study published in Psychomusicology: A
Journal of Research in Music Cognition, “Music activities (both     During fun music therapy sessions around the Carlyle Place,
music listening and music making) can influence older adults’       Navicent Health community, music therapists play music
perceptions about the quality of their lives. Some research         recordings, bring in live performers, play musical games, or even
has examined the effects of music listening on biological           have residents play musical instruments or sing themselves.
markers of health and subjective perceptions of well-being.         According to the American Music Therapy Association, music
Other studies on the psychological and social benefits              therapy has many clinical and evidence-based benefits and can
associated with music making activities have demonstrated           help alleviate pain, enhance memory, express feelings, improve
that participants often place considerable value on these           communication, manage stress, and promote wellness and physical
‘nonmusical’ benefits of music activity.”                           rehabilitation.

   Carlyle Place, Navicent Health has embraced the value of music.     While the goals of music therapy are clear, its application serves
At central Georgia’s only Life Plan Community, music provides       the residents of Carlyle Place, Navicent Health in different ways.
more than just entertainment for its residents; it also holds
therapeutic value.                                                     “Our main goals are improving cognition and memory, motor
                                                                    function, socialization, relaxation, quality of life, and self-
   “Music therapy is the heartbeat of all therapies,” says          expression,” says John Moon, music therapist and Outreach
Dawn Dunbar, Executive Director at Carlyle Place, Navicent Health.  Coordinator at Carlyle Place, Navicent Health. “We offer

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