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                                 Happy holidays from   As we move into the holiday season and 2021,      ATRIUM HEALTH
                                 Navicent Health!      you’ll begin to see our new name in use.          President and CEO
                                                                                                         Eugene A. Woods
                                    What a year. When     We continue our national search for our
                                 we celebrated the     new president and CEO, and we are pleased         NAVICENT HEALTH
                                 end of 2019, no one   with the number and caliber of promising          Acting President and CEO
                                 anticipated all that  candidates for this critically important role. I  Tom Oliver, MD
                                 2020 would hold.      am humbled to serve as the acting president
                                 Collectively, we’ve   and CEO of Navicent Health while we               Editorial Advisors
                                 learned so much this  continue our national search.                     Megan Allen
                                 year. We’ve learned                                                     Cynthia Busbee
to be flexible as schools moved to virtual                The future for Navicent Health remains
learning and many began working from home.             incredibly bright. The expansion of virtual       elevate is published quarterly as a
We’ve learned to take life one day at a time as        care services and growth of our pediatric         service of Navicent Health,
travel plans and annual events were canceled.          specialty services are just a few of the          777 Hemlock Street,
We’ve learned how interconnected we are as             examples of how Navicent Health is providing      Macon, Georgia 31201
we’ve depended on one another to practice              the most advanced and compassionate care
COVID Safe behaviors. As we stand on the               available in the region. We look forward to       To sign up to receive or to stop
precipice of a new year, the landscape has             continuing to serve Georgians as our journey      receiving elevate, email Megan Allen,
changed, but we’re still standing, together.           evolves and together, we improve health,          Public Relations Manager,
   Many changes are taking place at Navicent           elevate hope and advance healing for all who      at
Health too. As you know, we entered into a             call central and south Georgia home.
strategic collaboration with Charlotte-based                                                             Published by
Atrium Health almost two years ago. Since                 With warmest wishes for happy holidays
that time, we’ve worked closely with Atrium            and fantastic new year,                           true north custom
Health to bring new services and resources to
central and south Georgia (for example, you            Tom Oliver                                        Account Manager
can read about our new virtual care options on                                                           Paula Solomon
pages 12 & 13). In October, we announced that          Tom Oliver, MD
we would be changing our name to Atrium                Acting President and CEO                          Senior Designer
Health Navicent to align our shared brand.             Navicent Health                                   Katie Kochenderfer

Operation Walk It Out!....... 3                        4   6                                             Managing Editor
The Road Rules of                                      12  15                                            Jenny Havron-Miller
Healthy Eating.................... 3
This Is Your Brain                                                                                       Copywriters
on Music.............................. 4                                                                 Kate Anastas, Thomas Crocker,
The Richest Harvest........... 6                                                                         Hillary Eames, Cari Gervin,
Guide: COVID-19 and the                                                                                  Katy Mena-Berkley
Holiday Season................... 7
Is It COVID-19, the Flu, a Cold                                                                          The people featured in photos in Navicent
or Seasonal Allergies?...... 11                                                                          Health’s elevate magazine are models from our
Virtual Is Reality.............. 12                                                                      community who are actively living healthy lives
Kicking the Soda Habit..... 14                                                                           and in no way indicate the model has a health
Sparkling Apple Cider...... 14                                                                           condition referenced in an article. elevate’s
Health & Hospital News.. 15                                                                              images help readers visualize the positive,
                                                                                                         healthy lifestyles the articles promote.
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