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If fireworks are on your holiday agenda, make sure you know when and how to enjoy them.

THE SEASON OF celebration is                 »» Light fireworks one at a time. An     SAY NO TO
upon us, and for some, that may                 elaborate display can get out of      CELEBRATORY GUNFIRE
mean enjoying fireworks displays                control quickly.
as a family.                                                                          While shooting a gun in the air may sound harmless
                                             »» Never light fireworks indoors.        to some, the action may actually present significant
   In Georgia, you may use novelty              The red-hot displays—sparklers        danger to everyone in the area. What goes up must
fireworks throughout the calendar               included—should be enjoyed            come down, and bullets that come down from being
year between the hours of 10 a.m. and           outside only.                         shot into the air can cause injury or property damage.
11:59 p.m. Local legislation may restrict
these hours somewhat, except during          »» Wear eye protection if you are near      “The bullets you shoot into the air are projectiles
holidays such as New Year’s Eve.                the fireworks or setting them off.    that can end up anywhere, including in homes and
                                                “The best way to protect              places of worship,” says Kristal Smith, Trauma Injury
   Additionally, using fireworks within                                               Prevention and Outreach Coordinator at Navicent
100 yards of certain facilities is illegal.  families is to attend public             Health. “At no time is shooting firearms into the air
These include electric substations, gas      displays and leave lighting to the       appropriate or safe.”
stations, hospitals and nursing homes.       professionals,” says Kristal Smith,
Fireworks are also illegal in parks          Trauma Injury Prevention and
and on historic or state properties,         Outreach Coordinator at Navicent
and setting them off while under             Health. “All fireworks, if handled
the influence of drugs and alcohol is        inappropriately, can cause injury.”
against the law.
                                                If a fireworks-related injury does
SAFETY TIPS FOR FAMILIES                     occur, call 911 immediately. Fast
                                             action from a professional medical
Remember to approach fireworks with          team can help minimize the impact of
caution. Bottle rockets and sparklers,       bleeding, burns and trauma.
for example, can cause a variety of
complications, including severe burns        KEEP COURTESY IN MIND
and projectile injuries. The hands, eyes
and head are the areas of the body at        While holidays may mean that
the greatest risk.                           fireworks displays go on later
                                             in the evening, be aware of your
   If you choose to set off your own         surroundings and your neighbors.
legal fireworks, take care to make           Pets may be startled by loud displays.
safety a priority. Some key tips             Individuals with post traumatic stress
include:                                     disorder (PTSD) may also be negatively
»» Do not wear loose clothing if you         impacted.

   are planning to be near or set off           “Many fireworks sound like gunfire,”
   fireworks.                                Smith says. “Know your neighbors, and
»» Keep water close by to drench             be respectful.”
   fireworks that do not go off.
»» Never let small children handle           FOR INFORMATION ABOUT
   fireworks, including sparklers and        THE EMERGENCY CENTER,
   small novelties, and keep a close eye     NAVICENT HEALTH, VISIT WWW.
   on teenagers who handle them.             NAVICENTHEALTH.ORG/SERVICE-

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