Page 11 - Elevate Winter 2021
P. 11


    Knowing your      IF YOU ARE young and feel healthy, you might not think your blood pressure is anything you need to
  blood pressure      worry about. But high blood pressure can happen to anyone. And because high blood pressure usually
can help you stay     doesn’t have symptoms, many people don’t know they have it.
  healthy and live
                         “A common misconception is that high blood pressure only happens to people who are older or who
             longer.  are obese,” says Nzinga L. Robertson, MD, neurohospitalist at Atrium Health Navicent The Medical
                      Center. “But genetic, dietary and lifestyle factors can increase anyone’s risk of developing high blood
                      pressure at any age.”


Your blood pressure is measured         Many lifestyle factors can contribute to
using two numbers represented
as a fraction. The top number is        high blood pressure. These include:
your systolic blood pressure, or        »	 A diet high in fat and sodium
the pressure your blood creates         »	 Alcohol
in your arteries when your heart        »	 High stress
beats. The bottom number is your        »	 Lack of physical activity
diastolic blood pressure, or the        »	 Smoking
pressure in your arteries between
heartbeats.                                Additional factors can also put you at

   Blood pressure ranges are divided    higher risk: health conditions such as obesity,
into five categories, according to the
American Heart Association:             diabetes and high cholesterol; a family
»	 Normal: Less than 120/80
»	 Elevated: 120–129 over less than 80  history of high blood pressure; and certain
»	 Stage 1 hypertension: 130–139
   over 80–89
»	 Stage 2 hypertension: 140/90         LOWERING YOUR NUMBERS                     hypertension often requires prescribed
                                                                                  medications in addition to lifestyle
   or higher                            High blood pressure can lead to serious   changes and home monitoring using a
»	 Hypertensive crisis: A systolic      complications, increasing your risk       blood pressure cuff.
                                        of heart disease, stroke and kidney
   pressure of 180 or higher and/or     problems.                                    “Routinely checking blood pressure
   a diastolic pressure of 120                                                    at home is a great way for patients
   or higher                               “High blood pressure is a leading      to become actively involved in
   There are no set numbers to          root cause for death and disability,”     their health,” Dr. Roberston says. “I
indicate blood pressure that is         Dr. Roberston says. “However, if caught   recommend that patients check their
too low. If your blood pressure         and managed early, these risks can be     blood pressure at least twice a day or as
measures a bit low but you              significantly reduced in most patients.”  instructed by their physician and keep a
feel fine, it’s usually nothing                                                   daily diary of readings.”
to be concerned about. But if              For patients with elevated or stage 1
you experience symptoms such            hypertension, doctors often begin by         Even if you don’t have risk factors, be
as dizziness, lightheadedness,          recommending lifestyle changes, such      sure to get your blood pressure checked
nausea, fatigue, unusual thirst or      as reducing stress, getting regular       at least once per year.
inability to concentrate, reach out     exercise, not smoking and eating a
to your healthcare provider.            healthy, low-sodium diet. Stage 2

                                        TO FIND A PRIMARY CARE PROVIDER, VISIT WWW.NAVICENTHEALTH.ORG.

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