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     New research
    shows a strong
  link between your
      lifestyle traits
    and Alzheimer’s

      disease risk.

    Protect Your Brain
MIND                            HAVING A HEALTHY lifestyle may be the               3. K eeping the brain active: Staying engaged
GAMES                           ticket to prevent future Alzheimer’s disease.          in meaningful activities has been shown to
                                Last summer, a study published in the medical          benefit the brain and improve memory.
People who are more             journal Neurology gave researchers hope
engaged in activities that      that Alzheimer’s disease risk can be reduced        4. L imiting alcohol: Binge drinking causes
keep their mind active may      with a combination of five lifestyle changes.          immediate and long-term effects on the brain.
be less likely to experience    In fact, participants that closely followed all        Heavy drinking accelerates shrinkage of the
Alzheimer’s disease, or they    five behaviors had a 60% reduced chance of             brain, which may cause cognitive decline with
may be able to delay the        developing the disease.                                age. However, this may be reversible with
onset of symptoms. Try some                                                            abstinence.
of these fun activities to         “You can’t separate the mind from the rest
stretch your mind:              of the body,” says Harry Strothers, MD, MMM,        5. N ot smoking: The inflammation and oxidative
»	 Commit to weekly             CAQ-G, FAAFP, Chief of the Family Health Center        stress caused by cigarette smoke has been
                                at Atrium Health Navicent. “Your Alzheimer’s           linked to Alzheimer’s disease.
   memorization, whether        disease risk is directly influenced by what you        It’s important to note that those who followed
   it be a song, poem or        choose to do every day for your health.”
   proverb.                                                                         all five healthy behaviors saw the most reduced
»	 Learn a musical instrument.  STICK TO HEALTHY BEHAVIORS                          risk. Adults who followed three or fewer behavior
»	 Pick up a second language.                                                       changes didn’t see a drastic reduction in
»	 Play strategic games with    Each of the participants in the study were scored   Alzheimer’s disease risk. But this study gives people
   family and friends.          based on the following habits:                      encouragement to stay motivated with a healthy
»	 Read often.                  1. Following the MIND diet: The MIND diet          lifestyle, not just for the body but also the mind.
»	 Set up a puzzle table
   and dedicate time each          stands for “Mediterranean-DASH Intervention         “In most cases, this disease is one you can do
   weekend to work on              for Neurodegenerative Delay.” This style of      something about,” Dr. Strothers says. “You don’t
   puzzles.                        eating combines the Mediterranean and DASH       have to worry or accept your fate. You can make
»	 Take a night class.             (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension)        these changes today to get on the right track to
»	 Volunteer or sign up to be      diets. The MIND diet focuses on fruits,          preventing Alzheimer’s disease.”
   a mentor.                       vegetables, whole grains, seafood, poultry,
                                   legumes, nuts and olive oil, while limiting red  YOUR PRIMARY CARE PROVIDER CAN
                                   meat, sugar, cheese, butter and fried foods.     HELP MONITOR RISK FACTORS AND
                                2. G etting at least 150 minutes every week of     WARNING SIGNS OF COGNITIVE
                                   moderate to vigorous-intensity exercise          DECLINE. NEED A PHYSICIAN? FIND ONE
                                                                                    AT WWW.NAVICENTHEALTH.ORG.

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